Calgary Opera audiences are no stranger to new, modern operas. During the years the late Bob...
Canadian Opera Company Salome “Ambur Braid gives an extraordinary performance in the title role”
“Oscar Wilde’s Salome was not worthy of you…it has a nauseous and sickly atmosphere about...
Edmonton Opera Orphée+ Edmonton Audiences Applaud Ivany’s “expansive approach to programming”
Edmonton Opera’s Artistic Director, Joel Ivany, founder of Toronto’s innovative opera company...
Canadian Opera Company The Marriage of Figaro “There’s no weak link in the ensemble cast”
It’s a shame Marcelo Buscaino wasn’t on hand for the opening-night curtain call of the Canadian...
Paris Opera The Marriage of Figaro “a true gem”
Paris Opera's production of The Marriage of Figaro by English director and video artist Netia...
Toronto Operetta Theatre Die Fledermaus A “hugely entertaining take on Johann Strauss II’s enduring farce”
Toronto Operetta Theatre’s December 28 opening of Die Fledermaus was officially sold-out, the...
Paris Opera Tosca Gerald Finley: “magnificent tone and varied nuance, endowing his character with more interiority and complexity than I’ve ever seen in this role”
Pierre Audi's production of Tosca, which premiered in 2014, has become a staple of the Paris Opera...
Royal Opera House Alcina Emily D’Angelo’s “art is unequaled in ‘Verdi Prati'”
Handel's 1735 opera Alcina is one of the most popular baroque operas in the repertoire and is...
ALBUM: Candide London Symphony Orchestra “Cunegonde’s “Glitter and Be Gay”…a coloratura extravaganza knocked off with aplomb by Archibald”
The recent hybrid CD/SACD release of Leonard Bernstein’s Candide on the London Symphony...
Metropolitan OperaThe Hours A fine opera deserving of a smaller stage
Is Kevin Puts’s The Hours the best brand-new opera the Metropolitan Opera has presented in years?...