Artist’s Picks: Cecilia Livingston

by | Jul 29, 2021 | Featured, Interviews

In a new series we’re running over here at Opera Canada, Artist’s Picks, we’re asking our favourite Canadian opera artists: what else are you into? In our call for artist-driven recommendations, Canadian composer Cecilia Livingston offers up her Artist’s Picks for film, television, books, & more:


The Black Stallion (Ballard, 1979). It’s a very strange film, with so much silence at its heart. Not really a ‘kids’ movie’ at all. I watch it very rarely – it’s almost painfully beautiful. I’m also on a Jane Austen film adaptations kick; I’m writing a Cambridge Companion chapter on adaptation and composition, and thinking a lot about creative decision-making in the adaptation process, particularly around structure.”

TV series?

Veep. Foul, vituperative, satirical, vicious, brilliant. Selina’s always having a worse day than me. Very reassuring. (Best not to discuss my love of Bravo! in this respectable publication!)”

artist's picks cecilia livingston

Canadian composer Cecilia Livingston. Photo by Daniel Denino.


“Jane Eyre. I reread it every few years.”


“Alas, I’m not a podcast person. When my ears aren’t working, they like quiet.”

Non-classical music?

“Radiohead, always.”

Eager for recos from your favourite operatic artists? Let us know who you’d like to see featured in our Artist’s Picks Q&A series – leave a comment below, or get in touch at

Jenna Simeonov

Jenna is the editor and co-creator of Schmopera. She also writes for The Globe and Mail and Opera Canada. She’s a pianist and vocal coach, and working with singers is how she fell in love with opera.



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