Collector’s item alert: our 60th anniversary issue

by | Jan 13, 2021 | Featured, News

It’s the understatement of the century to say that 2020 was…action-packed.

Amid it all came an important piece of good news: Opera Canada magazine turned 60! It’s an extraordinary thing for an opera-centric magazine to reach its sixth decade of publication, and especially so amid the relatively young operatic culture in Canada.

Young, maybe – but not without some serious hustle.

60th anniversary

The first issue of “Opera in Canada”, Vol.1, no.1, Feb-Mar. 1960.

That’s why we’re really proud to offer our 60th anniversary issue as a free gift for subscribers – even new subscribers! If you purchase a year’s worth of Opera Canada for under $30 (for yourself or for an opera-loving friend!) you’ll also get this unique piece of Canada’s artistic history – for free!

Or for those with a fear of commitment: you can snag a single copy of our anniversary edition for just $9.95.

“It’s one of those publications that’s kind of interesting to read between the lines,” says John Gilks, Toronto-based opera critic and Opera Canada contributor, “because buried in there is the diversity of Canada and how it reacts to opera as well as some very clear generational divides.”

And for those readers who already have their hands on a copy: tell us what you think! Send your pics of our lovely layout, chime in with your favourite pieces, and let us know if our 60th anniversary issue touches on your own highlights of Canadian opera’s last few decades.

Jenna Simeonov

Jenna is the editor and co-creator of Schmopera. She also writes for The Globe and Mail and Opera Canada. She’s a pianist and vocal coach, and working with singers is how she fell in love with opera.