Glyndebourne perform La clemenza di Tito at the Proms

by | Aug 30, 2017 | News

Robin Ticciati conducted the Glyndebourne Chorus and Orchestra of the Age
of Enlightenment, with Richard Croft as Tito, Alice Coote as Vitellia, Anna
Stéphany as Sesto, Joelle Harvey as Servilia, Michèle Losier as Annio and
Clive Bayley as Publio. Iain Rutherford’s semi-staging was based on the
production by Claus Guth, with designs by Christian Schmidt.

With the orchestra pushed well back on the platform, the opera was
performed in two areas, the fore-stage and a raised area behind the
orchestra. Rutherford’s blocking made very effective use o the Royal Albert
Hall. The remains of Schmidt’s sets, modern arm-chairs, clumps of corn and
rather plastic-looking rocks, puzzled somewhat. The costumes were stylish
modern dress, though somewhat drab in colour except for that of the actor
playing Berenice, Tito’s lost love.

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