Opera Singers with Kids: Finding the Balance
The feature, "Finding the Balance: Opera Singers with Kids" originally appeared in the Fall 2019...
Opera Makers: COC’s new video series for the young
The Canadian Opera Company has just launched Opera Makers, an 8-week video series designed for...
Quarantine Questions: Teiya Kasahara
In our latest round of Quarantine Questions, Canadian soprano Teiya Kasahara is dealing with the...
Calgary Opera 20/21: a comfy, Canadian season
Calgary Opera 20/21 has been revealed: the details of the company's upcoming 2020-21 season, and...
Christine Goerke: Superstar soprano latest podcast guest
Courtesy of host and Opera Canada Social Media Manager Jenna Simeonov, the latest episode of The...
Quarantine Questions: Elliot Madore
Baritone Elliot Madore is missing the catharsis of being a performer, but he's gained new purpose...
Quarantine Questions: Michael Schade
Despite the lost gigs, Canadian tenor Michael Schade is busier than ever. Michael Schade answers...
The Everything Will Be Okay Podcast–Tune In!
Exciting news: Jenna Simeonov, our Social Media Manager and editor of Schmopera, has started a new...
AtG TV: Against the Grain Theatre goes digital
Against the Grain Theatre has been on the ready for opera's shift from stage to screen, offering...
Opera Mariposa annual fundraiser moves online
For Opera Mariposa, Canada's only disability-led opera company, COVID-19 has made their annual...