Noa Wildschut, Mozart: Violin Concerto, Sonata (Warner)

by | Oct 6, 2017 | News

Noa Wildschut, Mozart
Yoram Ish-Hurwitz, Gordan Nikolić, Netherlands Chamber Orchestra

I’m about to break an iron rule and review a kid playing the violin. And, no, I haven’t given in to peer pressure, though there has been plenty of it from the London agency that signed her at 15, and the record label that followed up. The kid’s 16 now, old enough to take a bit of criticism and interesting enough to warrant adult consideration.

Noa Wildschut first appeared on Dutch television at six years old and at the Concertgebouw a year later. The child of two string players – a Rotterdam Philharmonic violist and a private violin teacher of Israeli origin – she took up the cello at two years old and moved up to violin two years later. Enough of the nursery stuff. She did well.

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Source: Opera stories from La Scena