Houston Grand Opera Salome Maestro Keri-Lynn Wilson “balanced crisp rhythms and powerhouse sonority with delicacy and lilt”
There is a lot of talk in Richard Strauss’s Salome that something bad may happen. Several...
Canadian Opera Company Macbeth “COC Chorus and Orchestra are in top form for this musically exciting work”
Verdi’s Macbeth, which opened the Canadian Opera Company’s spring season April 28, is a...
Manitoba Opera Così fan tutte capping its 50th Anniversary Season with Laughter and Wit
Manitoba Opera (MO) capped its 50th anniversary season with laughter and wit this spring; its...
The Metropolitan Opera Champion “There wasn’t a weak performance onstage”
There’s a fistful of good reasons for seeing Champion. There’s the story, a real and strong one:...
The Metropolitan Opera La bohème Nézet-Séguin “was greeted with the evening’s heartiest cheers”
In his not-quite-fourteen years at The Metropolitan Opera, that compact bundle of...
Amici Chamber Ensemble From Strauss to the Orient “Joyce El-Khoury’s soaring soprano was even more impressive than usual”
The 2022-23 season of the Amici Chamber Ensemble drew to a glorious close with From Strauss to the...