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by | Jun 10, 2021 | Featured, News

A Cultural Management Consulting Firm

Toronto, Ontario
Social Media Co-ordinator

Opera Canada Magazine invites applications and referrals for a Social Media Co-ordinator, a permanent part-time position.

Opera Canada is the oldest, continuously published arts periodical in Canada and is available quarterly. Opera Canada magazine has been connecting the vibrant world of opera in Canada since 1960 with high quality professional arts journalism, in-depth interviews with its creators, artists and decision-makers as well as beautifully-illustrated features and reviews about productions from across the nation and internationally.   It is a not for profit magazine, edited by Gianmarco Segato, with a board of directors, an annual awards event, and many partnerships with the opera community across Canada.

The objective of this position is to build the Opera Canada magazine’s brand and increase revenues through a number of key initiatives.

The Position:

Reporting to the Editorial Director with on-going liaison to the Chair of the Marketing & Communications Committee, the position requires a strong self starter who can move projects forward independently.

Duties include:

• Identify critical opera-connected news sources to access ongoing opera news and information.
• Source, write and disseminate on the Opera Canada website a minimum of 6 news items on a weekly basis, of relevant opera news that supports the Opera Canada brand. Also disseminate via our social media platforms.
• Define key social and digital media hubs for the dissemination of Opera Canada marketing information and news targeted at different audience segments.
• Develop, and co-ordinate with the Editorial Director and any content developers ( e.g., interns), an effective marketing approach to build digital awareness of Opera Canada‘s brand.
• Develop program to communicate on a regular basis with other national and international opera companies and nurture those relationships to promote and strengthen the Opera Canada brand.
• Identify improvements to Opera Canada website and work with Marketing Committee to develop plan for robust digital experience.
• Build and deploy a subscriber survey to probe reader views on views of the magazine and future delivery options ( e.g. digital versus paper) etc. Develop a second survey to identify opera news needs of a younger potential audience segment 40 and under.
• Design a program to test effectiveness of digital content dissemination at end of six month period (e.g., surveys, increased web site traffic, etc.).
• Managing payments and transactions.

Qualifications: Experience in use of WordPress and knowledge of social media platforms.  Proven writing experience. Knowledge of marketing and communications.  An interest in opera/music and the arts in general.  A track record with managing customer satisfaction and issues management.

Other Information and Application Process:

This is a permanent part-time position; the work load is 18 hours a week @ $20/hour.  In the short term the position could be managed remotely with regular video conferencing.  Once pandemic restrictions are loosened, there is the possibility of working out of the Opera Canada offices in downtown Toronto.

Interested candidates are invited to submit a letter of interest, a resume, and a list of references in confidence by Monday, 14 June 2021 to:

Margaret Genovese
Senior Partner
77 Carlton Street. Suite 1103
Toronto, ON M5B 2J7

For additional information, see: operacanada.ca, genovesevanderhoof.com.

Opera Canada does not discriminate against any person based on race, color, gender identify or expression, sexual orientation, religion, age, familial or marital status, veteran status, non-job related disability or any other basis protected by applicable federal, provincial, or local laws.



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