Canadian Opera Company Announces Contract Extension of General Director Alexander Neef at Annual General Meeting

by | Oct 17, 2017 | News

Canadian Opera Company General Director Alexander Neef has signed a new contract with the COC that extends his tenure as General Director through the 2025/2026 season. The extension of Neef’s contract was announced today at the COC’s Annual General Meeting by COC Board Chair Colleen Sexsmith as was the official financial report for the company’s last fiscal year. The COC, for the third consecutive year, posted a modest surplus of $11,000 for its 2016/2017 season with a record-breaking achievement of $13.9 million in total fundraising revenue.

“The last decade at the Canadian Opera Company has been the most important, challenging, and rewarding of my career. Through the productions that we’ve created, the artists we’ve been able to attract and the partnerships that we’ve built, the COC has emerged on the international stage as a truly significant producer of opera,” said COC General Director Alexander Neef. “What is imperative in the years to come is that we not only maintain, but exceed that level of excellence, in order to fulfill the unique purpose of the COC as a Canadian opera producer—a company that is responsive to contemporary realities in a global context, and in touch with the voices and perspectives that are essential to exploring what our art form can mean in the 21st century. That we are embarking on this next chapter from a position of strength gives me all the confidence in our success.”

For the complete press release, click below

COC Release – AGM 16-17 Season -FINAL

Angie Bell

Angela Bell is Opera Canada’s Digital Media Specialist. She has held digital and PR roles with various businesses including the Walt Disney Company, Sullivan Entertainment and Toronto International Film Festival.



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