The story of Canadian tenor Edward Johnson is a quiet one, unknown to many, and yet it is the...
Critical Response: Holly Harris fears audiences “clotted” by live stream content
In this Q&A series, we’ve asked performing arts writers across the country to weigh in on how...
Against the Grain Theatre to film uber-Canadian Messiah
On Dec. 13th, the multi-award-winning team at Against the Grain Theatre (AtG) will present a bold...
Barbara Hannigan, Rubies 2020–“Anytime I win an award I put it toward something”
Maven, visionary, trailblazer – what else can one say about Canadian-born, Europe-based...
Cross Canada Reports: Winnipeg opera is managing with resilience
Please note: Information in this Winnipeg report was accurate as of publishing in our Fall 2020...
Mireille Lebel gets real about VO’s La voix humaine
On Oct. 24th, Canadian mezzo-soprano Mireille Lebel starred in Vancouver Opera's digital premiere...
Critical Response: Canadian opera should hire “Canadian rather than imported”
In this Q&A series, we’ve asked performing arts writers across the country to weigh in on how...
Tale of Two Cities: COC/Paris Opera’s Alexander Neef Exclusive Interview
In an exclusive interview on Nov. 2nd, leader of Canadian Opera Company (COC) and Opéra national...
Cross Canada Reports: Pacific Opera Victoria at the ready
Please note: Information in this Victoria report was accurate as of publishing in our Fall 2020...
Cross Canada Reports: In Toronto, political movements are shaping opera
The Vast Variety of Toronto The Toronto opera scene is quite large and extremely varied; from...