Shadow Catch premiered in December 2011, at Vancouver’s Firehall Arts Centre as part of the...
Canadian Opera Company’s Fantasma: a haunting return to live performance
The Canadian Opera Company returned to live performance Mar. 9 with the world premiere of Fantasma...
Tapestry Opera makes a welcome return to live performance with Songbook XI
Songbook XI on the evening of Mar. 11 marked Toronto-based Tapestry Opera’s first performance in...
Pacific Opera’s The Garden of Alice: formidable cast in a brave new genre
Pacific Opera Victoria’s film version of Canadian composer/librettist Elizabeth Raum’s The Garden...
UBC Opera gets to the heart of Le nozze di Figaro
If the Monty Python crew described Le nozze di Figaro as “silly—very silly,” I could hardly...
Calgary Opera’s THE MERRY WIDOW “high-quality evening of music-making”
Live opera has been hard to come by in Canada these past few months and where there have been...
Marie-Nicole Lemieux debuts Charlotte in Montpellier Opera’s Werther
With its sumptuous melodies coupled to a tale of unrequited love culminating in a dramatic suicide...
Florie Valiquette ‘is vibrant’ in Théâtre des Champs Elysées’ La Vie Parisienne
Offenbach's La Vie Parisienne is perfect holiday fare, bubbly, joyful, and whimsical, especially...
Sondra Radvanovsky ‘blossoms’ in the Met’s Tosca
So much press hoopla has been lavished on the Met’s two new operas, Terence Blanchard’s Fire Shut...
Vancouver Opera returns with “imaginative” Orfeo ed Euridice
The Queen Elizabeth Theatre was packed on December 4 for Vancouver Opera’s first live staging...