Topical, trendy, thought-provoking. In a nutshell, that’s Belgian avant-garde jazz pianist and...
Soundstreams’ “cleverly constructed”Garden of Vanished Pleasures
Director Tim Albery has a track record of staging shows built around song. One thinks of Last Days...
Sondra Radvanovsky debuts her Lady in Lyric Opera of Chicago’s Macbeth
Everyone present wanted Lyric Opera of Chicago to have a triumph with its season opener—the first...
MUO returns live with Berlioz, Bartók & Sokolović
There’s irony in the fact that one of the last public sightings of Manitoba Underground...
HOS’s The Leporello Diaries delivers musical magic
What do you get when you combine a beer tent, a former gravel pit, and hell? If it’s Highlands...
Chamberfest goes live with Jonelle Sills & Isaiah Bell
Ottawa’s Chamberfest, back after cancelling its 2020 edition, has been offering Ottawa audiences...
Review: ARIAS: Canadian Voices of Opera—documentary reflects today’s opera truth
V. Tony Hauser's new documentary, ARIAS: Canadian Voices of...
ATG’s Sāvitri: A feast for the eyes and ears
A love story that not even death could thwart: providing opera fans a feast of music and colour,...
A strange luxury: Ambur Braid stars in Oper Frankfurt’s intimate, in-concert Ariadne
Taped-off alternating seats and rows combined with strict vaccination and testing requirements so...
VOICEBOX: OIC’s Adriana Lecouvreur: a convincingly intimate take
Cilea’s Adriana Lecouvreur has an implausible and convoluted plot and a performance history as a...