The recent passing of philanthropist Roger D. Moore sent shock waves through the Toronto opera...
Feature: Claude Vivier: A cosmic seeker’s star ascends
In 1801, Goethe wrote to Felix Mendelssohn that “where nothing new is actually produced, an art...
News: 19/20 Calgary Opera Season Reveal!
This morning, the 19/20 Calgary Opera season details were released, the first under the new senior...
News: Manitoba Opera 19/20 season
Manitoba Opera recently released details of their upcoming 19/20 season—their 47th— featuring an...
News: L’Opéra de Montréal’s Twenty-Seven brings Gertrude Stein’s salon to life
The lives of infamous arts patrons Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas are making their way to the...
News: L’Opéra de Montréal 19/20 Season
The time has come for the L’Opéra de Montréal 19/20 season to be announced! Tchaikovsky opens the...
News: Pacific Opera Victoria 19/20 Season
It’s the time of year for season announcements and the Pacific Opera Victoria 19/20 details have...
News: Jessye Norman sings at Glenn Gould Prize “glittery” gala
We are only in the second month, but already, one of the most significant Canadian classical music...
News: 19/20 Vancouver Opera season announced!
The 19/20 Vancouver Opera season has recently been announced, and here's what you can look forward...
Opera with Fangs: Vera Causa Opera brings Dracula to the stage
An operatic twist on a classic tale is making its way to the stage and it comes with a bite. The...