In this next instalment of her encounters with opera people and their pets, Dawn Martens meets...
Dawn Martens
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Best in Show: Canada’s Opera Pets featuring Rihab Chaieb, Dean Burry & Kelly Robinson
Mozart owned a horse, dogs and a flock of birds, including a starling that reputedly could sing a...
HOS’s The Leporello Diaries delivers musical magic
What do you get when you combine a beer tent, a former gravel pit, and hell? If it’s Highlands...
Opera Niagara’s La bohème nails it
Opera Niagara’s fourth season opened with La bohème, given four performances at Southminster...
Review: Highlands Opera Studio —Tales of Gods and Social Media
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Now in its twelfth season under the leadership of General...
Review: Christopher Dunham embodies Don Giovanni for SOLO
On Mar. 2, Southern Ontario Lyric Opera produced a fully staged production of Don Giovanni. Under...