Hungarian composer Béla Bartók wrote only one opera, Bluebeard’s Castle (A kékszakállú herceg...

Hungarian composer Béla Bartók wrote only one opera, Bluebeard’s Castle (A kékszakállú herceg...
If you’re a die-hard Toronto voice/opera fan like yours truly, you may well have heard of “Box...
It’s not everyday that opera fans get to experience a premiere, let alone a Yiddish opera that had...
After two seasons of cancellations and restricted offerings due to COVID-19, the Santa Fe Opera...
After a long absence of over two years, the Toronto Summer Music Festival (TSMF) returned last...
Canadian mezzo Krisztina Szabó shares her thoughts on singing Judith, teaching and maintaining a...
It has been the longest silence in COC history. To opera-starved audience members like yours...
The Opera Canada Awards—‘The Rubies’ makes a return to ‘live’ on November 15, 2021. Click here for...
In our upcoming Summer 2021 issue, contributor Joseph So reviews Houston Grand Opera's recording...
2020 Rubies Honouree: Yannick Nézet-Séguin Let’s begin with a bit of perspective. Back in 2003,...